Tales of Middle Earth - Competitions
Welcome to the T.o.M.E:Competition!
This website can run multiple competitions concurrently and will take care of everything once one is started, including automatically closing on the deadline, receiving participating savefiles and analyzing files to compile results.
To take part, download one (or more) copies of the savefiles for each of the available competitions(the ones that are not marked as closed). Then you play with it using the special ToME module called 'ToME:Competition' that is available here on the ToME library.
The first time you play it will ask for your name/email(your email wont appear on the site) so it can appear in the results.
You can then submit your savefile(either dead or alive, it can handle both) on the competition page. Don't worry if you send it using the wrong competition page, since each savefile is marked with the competition it belongs to and will be automatically classified in the right one.
Naturally a few sanity rules always apply: No savefile scumming or cheating death. No exploitation of bugs if any are exploitable.
One last thing: have fun! :)
Name | Status | Started | Deadline |
The Way of the Enlightened | Closed | 11/02/2004 | 03/03/2004 |
Earth, Wind and Fire | Closed | 11/02/2004 | 03/03/2004 |
Yeek power! | Closed | 27/08/2003 | 21/09/2003 |